金融市场通过为企业和企业家分配资源和创造流动性, 在促进资本主义经济平稳运行方面发挥着至关重要的作用。市场使买卖双方更容易交易他们的金融资产。金融市场创造了证券产品,为拥有多余资金的人(投资者/贷方)提供回报,并将这些资金提供给需要额外资金的人(借款人)。
- 金融市场泛指进行证券交易的任何市场。
- 金融市场有很多种,包括(但不限于)外汇、货币、股票和债券市场。
- 这些市场可能包括在受监管的交易所上市或在场外交易 (OTC) 交易的资产或证券。
- 金融市场交易所有类型的证券,对资本主义社会的顺利运行至关重要。
- 当金融市场失灵时,可能会导致经济中断,包括衰退和失业。
EssayOne 金融代写优势
下面是一个Economics of Finanical Markets Assignment代写成功的案例:
This question asks you to choose any three individual stocks in the Australian Securities Exchange that have been traded in past 10 years and form your own optimal portfolio.1
(a) Find end-of-month price data for the three stocks you have chosen over the period December 2011 – December 2021, and compute their monthly returns for January 2012 – December 2021. Report what stocks you have chosen and the data source for their prices if you use a different data source than given in footnote
(b) (Report the sample average returns and sample standard deviations of returns on each stock, and the sample correlations among the returns on the three stocks. These statistics provide estimates for µj , σj , and ρij , for i, j = 1, 2, 3.3
(c) Pick any two stocks out of the three stocks you have chosen. Follow my solution to Exercise 4.1 to do the following:
(i) Plot the portfolio frontier with the two risky stocks in Excel or any other software. Report the figure.
(ii) Suppose that you have a mean-variance objective as follows
Choose a value for α that best represents your degree of risk aversion. Find
your optimum portfolio, denoted as E2. Report the proportions of each stock
in E2 and (σE2, µE2).
(iii) Plot your indifference curves on the figure from (i) and depict the optimum
portfolio E2. Report the new figure.
(d) Now work with three stocks you have chosen. Construct the portfolio
frontier with the three stocks by numerically solve a minimum variance problem
as described in Topic 4, Section 3 (recall that the solution to this problem defines
the portfolio frontier with n risky assets). You can proceed as follows.
(i) Rewrite the minimum variance problem for n = 3 and report it.
(ii) In Excel or any other software, let a1, a2 vary between 0 and 1 and let
a3 = 1 − a1 − a2 (need to make sure a3 is within 0 and 1), and calculate
the µP and σ2P corresponding to each combination of (a1, a2, a3), using the estimated µj , σj , and ρij values you have found in part (b). No need to report values of (a1, a2, a3) and the corresponding (σP , µP ) values, just report how you vary a1 and a2 and how many combinations of (a1, a2, a3) you have considered.